
Is your ITSM approach looking through the windshield…or at the rear-view mirror?

"In the business world, the rear-view mirror is always clearer than the windshield." Sadly, this 1991 Warren Buffet quote applies to many ITSM implementations. Why? Because the focus of those ITSM implementations is on what has happened, instead of

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Four ways that organizations have dehumanized IT – and how to fix it

Organizations have dehumanized IT. It’s not a question of “has it happened at our organization?” It is the recognition that it has happened. Despite the investments organizations have made in technologies and process designs intended to solve business problems,

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Five critical steps for making a good AI/ITSM decision

There is no question that AI-enabled technologies have the potential for significant positive impact for organizations overall, and for ITSM specifically.  This recent TechTarget article highlights a number of positive business impacts resulting from the adoption of AI-enabled technologies,

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Nothing will change. Unless you change.

A few years ago, I was invited to conduct an ITSM assessment for an organization. While the request itself wasn’t unusual, it was unusual in that I had conducted an ITSM assessment for that same organization a few years prior.

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Three AI truths with IT Service Management

There’s no question that introducing AI capabilities can have a dramatic impact on IT Service Management (ITSM). Done well, AI adoption will free up ITSM professionals to do the work for which humans are uniquely qualified, like critical thinking, contextual

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Can Human-centered Design rescue your ITSM investment?

Is your organization struggling to realize a return on investment with ITSM? If you answered “yes”, you’re not alone. Many organizations are not getting the expected return on investment that was expected by adoption ITSM practices. Organizations are facing several

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4 things IT can do to improve Business-IT Alignment – and enable AI success

A few years ago, I thought that we had finally moved beyond the conversation of “business-IT alignment”.  I thought that business processes and technology had finally become integrated; if not integrated, then at least the boundary between business processes

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The 3 Pillars of Success for AI-enabled Service Management

In her book[i], Dr. Kavita Ganesan suggests that any AI adoption be evaluated using three pillars: Model success – Is the AI model performing at an acceptable level in development and production? (In other words, the model performs at the

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Start with Reporting first *then* Measurement

What are some common reasons why IT organizations measure and report metrics? Unfortunately, in my experience, the answers are not always the greatest. “We produce this report / measure this indicator because we always have.” “We measure this indicator

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Why your SLAs aren’t helping your XLAs

It may be hard to believe, but the term “experience economy” is nothing new. The term was first mentioned in this 1998 Harvard Business Review article.  In the article, the authors posited that an experience occurs when a company intentionally

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